Updated announcement from MDBA, please note when basketball returns it will be a Summer Competition. This means there will be a change of age group for some teams. The club will provide further information soon.
Dear Members
Yesterday Basketball Victoria released information regarding the planned resumption of competition and training. Mornington Basketball wishes to advise members that we will not be releasing return dates until we have confirmed details on the number of people allowed into each space and match/training time allocations. Until such time as we receive clarity on these issues, we cannot guarantee dates for when competition or training will return. You can read the latest update from Basketball Victoria by following this link
http://basketballvictoria.com.au/covid-19/We can advise members, that when we do return we will be operating a Summer 2020/2021 domestic season. You can read further information on this by following this link
Samantha Browne
General Manager